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Blogs & Learning Center

Informative, thought-starting content focused on effective asset management

Valve springing compression inefficiency Blowby

3 min read

Enalysis Tip 1.6 - Causes of Blowby: Valve Springing and Lube Rates in Gas Compression Equipment

Blowby can result without any physical damage to wear components or unaccounted pressure drops. Improper valve springing can lead to valve flutter, allowing gas to recirculate each compression cycle. Alternatively, high rates of lubrication can lead...

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3 min read

Enalysis Tip 1.5 - Causes of Blowby: Unaccounted Pressure Drops in Gas Compression Equipment

This post will look at how unaccounted pressure drops effect the Blowby calculated in an Enalysis report from Detechtion Technologies. Enalysis...

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3 min read

Enalysis Tip 1.4 - Causes of Blowby in Compressor Enalysis Reports: Damaged Cylinder Wear Components

As mentioned in the last E-Tip, “Blowby” is a term used by Detechtion Technologies to quantify inefficiencies in the compression process. Blowby is...

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3 min read

Enalysis Tip 1.3 - Detechtion Blowby and Cylinder Health

More than two thirds of the unplanned downtime of reciprocating compressors can be attributed to issues with the wearing components in a cylinder....

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Enalysis Email Notification Settings

2 min read

Enalysis Tip 1.2 - Enalysis Report Notification Settings

Major performance issues and the potential for damage to your rotating equipment can escalate quickly if left unchecked. To identify issues as soon...

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E-Tip 1.1 What is Enalysis

2 min read

Enalysis Tip 1.1 - What is Enalysis?

Enalysis is a web-based predictive SaaS (Software as a Service) program combining geometric software models of compressors and thermodynamic...

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E-Tip 1.0 Introducing E-Tips

1 min read

Enalysis Tip 1.0 - Introducing E-Tips by Detechtion Technologies

Welcome to E-Tips, a new initiative to assist you to get the most out of Enalysis®. Enalysis is a powerful and unique, web-enabled software tool for...

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1 min read

Delivering Immediate Cost Savings with Enbase

At Detechtion we like to talk a lot about how using our products together delivers more complete workflows to yield better business results. Whether...

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1 min read

Monitor Remote Assets with the Enbase Asset Monitor

Detechtion Technologies launched the Enbase Asset Monitor in October, 2019, designed for remotely monitoring the run status and location of oilfield...

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MSAPR - Rich Burn Subset Timeline More Checks

2 min read

MSAPR Compliance - Sink or SWIM

Performing emission tests and reporting those results to SWIM is a major part of achieving compliance with MSAPR, and with the help of some...

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