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3 min read

Saving Time and Money in Water Hauling

Saving Time and Money in Water Hauling

For most companies, managing data from the field is not a seamless experience. Data often comes in late or contains errors. The traditional process of collecting the data can make it difficult to use for decision-making on your timetable, invoicing, or invoice approval without having to track down personnel in the field to hunt down or verify the information.


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A manual inventory job takes time. There’s a lot of wasted effort shuttling papers back and forth, tracking down all the work done on each asset, and providing the necessary detail for work orders.

The answer to the problem is digital transformation.

Cloud-based data collection and communication using a single platform can provide real-time data transfer and allow access from anywhere. It connects everyone with the information they need and provides complete visibility into the entire process.


The Solution

Utilizing Fieldlink™ for field data capture is a major step in the right direction for accomplishing your digital transformation agenda. It’s oilfield software to take your operation to the next level of efficiency and productivity with continuous delivery of real-time information.

  • Reducing LOE costs through industry-proven multiple workflows using a general-purpose mobility solution
  • Fieldlink™ is one app for tracking all the work and eliminating the need for 30 different apps
  • Connecting Employees, Contractors, and Services Companies through collaborative workflows
  • Generating automation alerts for review and approval processes
  • Integrating with multiple ERP/ERM systems with an open API

With Fieldlink™, operators see an immediate ROI through rapid field deployment to manage your assets and operations. That saves time and money.

Better Water Handling

Water handling is a fact of life in the oil and gas industry. Depending on the water cut, it can be substantial. Filling out paperwork, timesheets, managing water tickets and recording loads when dealing with produced water takes time. One solution to manage your operations, transportation, assets and third-party contractors can produce a more seamless workflow. Whether it’s dealing with a manifest form, bill of lading (BOL), or recording a lab sample job batch treatment, everything takes significantly less time when all the data is in one place and available instantly to anyone that needs access.

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Better Maintenance Schedules

Another big expense line item for operators is maintenance. Unplanned downtime is costly. Managing assets digitally allows for better control of maintenance schedules and help implement a predictive maintenance strategy.

This strategy can provide a big payoff. Oil and gas companies that make predictive maintenance part of their workflow can reduce downtime by as much as 40%, reduce maintenance costs by 30%, and eliminate breakdowns by 70%. The Department of Energy agrees. A DOE study reported a 25% increase in production when using real-time digital solutions for equipment maintenance.

Better Work Order Management

With Fieldlink™, an operator has full visibility into work orders dispatched to the field in real-time. This makes it easier to know when work has started, when it’s completed, where it is in the process, and any parts or additional assets that need to be deployed.

Fieldlink™ provides a central hub for information gathered in the field and allows for authorized access from anywhere.

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Real-World Results

Here is one of many real-world examples that show what’s possible when you deploy Fieldlink™.

Our client was managing their water hauling operations on paper, calling, texting or emailing third party vendors when they needed water hauled from their locations. This resulted in missed loads, too many trucks dispatched and not knowing what was occurring until they heard back from the vendor. Invoicing was also a time-consuming item, as data came in multiple formats from each vendor, and had to be manually put together for review and approval.

After moving to Fieldlink™ this water hauling operator reduced their time-to-invoice from two weeks to one day. They were also able to reduce the headcount on their process management team from six to three FTEs.

For more details on how the Fieldlink™ app provided significant results for field water hauling and other operations, download a case study below.


Better Data = Improved Operations

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Better data allows tenants to operate by exception and spend valuable time and resources on high priorities. Better field visibility allows fewer trips to the field which can be expensive and dangerous.

Detechtion’s Fieldlink™ provides Operators, Water Managers, and field personal with a scalable Digital Mobile Platform solution that can perform field data capture for thousands of water service providers and hundreds of thousands of wells. Fieldlink™ facilitates business through a mutual understanding of pricing, locations, volumes, availability and water quality - all under one reliable single source of truth.

Schedule a discovery call with the experts at Detechtion and learn more about how Fieldlink™ can improve visibility, operations and profitability.


Streamline with Fieldlink

To learn more about how Fieldlink can increase visibility into your predictive maintenance systems, schedule a call with our team.

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